Sports massage focuses on particular muscle groups relevant to the sport. By using a combination of techniques, this therapy works to relieve stress points in muscles to reduce the chance of injury, muscle soreness and swelling, to break down toxins, and to increase blood circulation.
In addition, Sports massage will improve range of motion and muscle flexibility, resulting in improved power and performance as well as shorten recovery time between workouts.
All of our therapists have experience working with professional, Olympic, amateur, college, and high school athletes. We have experience working with a variety of different sports including: Wrestling, MMA, basketball, cycling, running, triathalon, swimming, football, baseball, shooting, archery, figure skating, hockey, and many more!
30 Minute: $45.00
60 Minute: $80.00
Please see our cancellation policy.
3585 Van Teylingen Drive #H,
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
Sunday: 10am - 6pm
Monday: 10am - 7pm
Tuesday: 10am - 7pm
Wednesday: 12:30pm -7pm
Thursday: 10am - 2pm
Friday: 11am - 5pm
Saturday: 10am - 4pm